This is much more convenient than manually typing in an authentication code and checking to see if it was typed correctly.

This QR code can be scanned with the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone and your smartphone will automatically fill in your authenticator information. For example, when you set up Google Authenticator, Google’s two-factor authentication system, Google will show a QR code on your computer screen. QR codes can also be used for other purposes. In this case, the QR code contains a website address (URL.) The point of the QR code is to allow you to easily access their website without typing any web addresses into your phone - just by scanning a picture. After being scanned in this way, a typical QR code would probably take you directly to the businesses’ website. The app allows you to take a photo containing the barcode, then it locates the barcode, analyzes the machine-readable data, and converts it to information meaningful to you.įor example, you may see a barcode on a billboard, business window, or a product’s packaging. Typically, QR codes are captured with a scanner app on a smartphone. Unlike near-field communication (NFC), QR codes don’t contain any fancy electronics or require special technology - they’re just a grid of white and black printed on a piece of paper that can be captured with any camera. What’s the Point?įor us consumers (not people working in warehouses), QR codes are intended to be a quick way to perform an action with your phone. They’ve moved into the consumer realm, where they’re found all over the place on advertisements, business windows, product packaging, billboards on the side of the road, and even on some websites. However, QR codes aren’t just a stuffy technology used to track items in warehouses and scan products at the checkout counter. QR codes are used for everything from tracking products to identifying items - typical tasks where they function as improved UPC barcodes. QR codes are machine-readable labels - computers can understand them much more easily than they can understand text. Unlike traditional UPC barcodes, which are made up of a number of horizontal lines, a QR code can be captured more quickly and can contain more information. Short for “Quick Response code,” QR codes are square barcodes first developed in Japan.